

An“Ordinary”or an“Upper Class”Citizen?A Revaluation of Augustine's Family Background
摘要 奥古斯丁自称出身于"普通市民"家庭,而波西第乌斯在《圣奥古斯丁传》中强调他实为"上等人"。长期以来,西方的奥古斯丁研究深受"普通市民"叙事的影响,对其家庭的经济社会背景作了"最小化"估计。奥古斯丁在《忏悔录》《驳学园派》等著作中关于自身家世情形的各种叙述具有不同的写作语境与文学目的,都不是支持"最小化"解读的充分证据。他既要表现出"普通市民"的谦卑,又不宜完全掩盖优越的家庭出身,在《忏悔录》的文学呈现背后潜藏着大量能够反映奥古斯丁真实家世的蛛丝马迹。根据这些细节连缀而成的暗线,我们完全有理由对其家庭背景进行"最大化"解读。 Augustine claimed that he was born in an'ordinary'family(municipis tenuis),but Possidius' Life of St.Augustine points out that his parents actually belonged to the'upper class'of citizens(honestiores).In the West,Augustinian studies have long been influenced by this'ordinary citizen'narrative,'minimizing'the economic and social background of Augustine's family in their assessments.Although the various family narratives Augustine provides in his Confessions,Against the Academics and other works were composed in different contexts and had different literary objectives,none constitutes full and sufficient evidence for the'minimal'interpretation.Behind the literary representation in the Confessions are numerous clues to Augustine's actual family background:he wished to show the humility of an'ordinary citizen,'but could not totally conceal his privileged background.Based on the hidden clues provided by these details,we have every reason to'maximize'the interpretation of Augustine's family background.
作者 夏洞奇
机构地区 复旦大学历史系
出处 《历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期144-164,共21页 Historical Research
基金 国家社会科学基金课题"<忏悔录>的历史 文本与思想研究"(12BSS004)的阶段性成果
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  • 1James J. O' Donne11, Augustine : Confessions(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012 [1992]), vol. 1, p. xxx.
  • 2Frederick van F|eteren, "Confessiones," in Augustine throughthe Ages: An Encyclopedia, ed. Allan D. Fitzgerald (Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans, 1999) , pp. 227 -232, esp. 228 -229.
  • 3J. J. O' Meara, "Augustine's Confessions: Elements of Fiction," in Augustine: From Rhetor to Theologian, ed. Joanne McWilliam (Waterloo, Ont. : Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1992), pp. 77 -95.
  • 4Frederick J. Crosson, "Book Five: The Disclosure of Hidden Providence," in A Reader' s Companion to Augustine' s Confessions, ed. Kim Paffenroth and Robert P. Kennedy (Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 2003), pp. 71 -87, esp. 75 -76.
  • 5Conf. 4. 1, 1 : "per idem tempus annorum novem, ab undevicensimo anno aetatis meae usque ad duodetficensimum" ; cf. Conf. 3. 11.20.
  • 6"nam novem ferme anni secuti sunt quibus ego in iUo limo profundi ac tenebris falsitatis" ; Conf. 5. 6. 10.
  • 7Leo C. Ferrari, "Astronomy andAugustine' s Break with the Manichees," Revue des 6tudes augustiniennes 19 (1973): pp. 263 -276.
  • 8Jason David BeDuhn, Augustine's Manichaean Dilemma, I, pp. 106-134.
  • 9Gijs Martijn van Gaans, "The Manichaean Bishop Faustus: The State of Research After a Century of Scholarship," in Augustine and Manichaean Christianity: Selected Papers from the First South African Conference on Augustine of Hippo, ed. Johannes van Oort (Leiden: Brill, 2013), pp. 200-227.
  • 10Conf. 5. 7. 12: "'nam posteaquam ille mihi imperitus earum artium quibus eum excellere putaveram satis apparuit, desperare coepi posse mihi eum ilia quae me movebant aperire atque dissolvere.









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