

On the Meanings of the Sages' Teaching of Administrating the World Conceived in Zheng Xuan's Annotations to the Qian zao du and Qian kun zao du
摘要 在汉代儒生通经致用的时代风气下,郑玄《乾凿度》、《乾坤凿度》注以《周易》经传为经典依据深入探讨了圣王垂教经世的课题。首先,《周易》一书是历代圣王共同创作的,圣王创作《周易》的过程以及《周易》在流传中的兴袁过程体现了圣王垂教经世的演进历程;其次,易道是圣王垂教经世的根据,易道简易无为、变易不居、有序不易的特性揭示了圣王垂教经世的方式方法、原则规范和理想目标;最后,圣王垂教经世以八卦为法门,一方面乾坤两卦是圣人模拟易道演生天地万物的过程画出的,为《周易》的经世致用提供了一种形而上的天道根据,另一方面八卦之序还可以与仁义礼智信五常之道相配合,为圣王垂教经世提供了一种现实路径。 Influenced by the social mores of the Han(206 BCE-220 CE) Confucians' pragmatism,Zheng Xuan's(127-200)annotations to the Qian zao du(Opening Up the Regularities of the[Hexagram]Qian) and Qian kun zao du(Opening Up the Regularities of the[Hexagrams]Qian and Kun) made use of the basic text of and Commentaries on the Zhou yi as the classical basis and provided in-depth explorations on the issue of the Sages' teaching of how to administer the world.First,the composition of the Zhou Changes was completed by all the sage kings of the past dynasties and the course of the creation of the Zhou Changes and its rises and declines embodied the process of evolution of the sages' teachings of world administration.Second,the Dao(Way) of the Changes was the basis for the sages' teachings of world administration and its features of simplicity,changeability,and unchangingness reveal the methods,standards,and ideal goal of the sages' teachings of the administration of the world.Third,the sages' teachings were based on the eight trigrams:on the one hand,the trigrams of Qian[■]and Kun[■]were manufactured by the sages to simulate the process of generation of Heaven,Earth,and the myriad things,which offers a metaphysical basis for the teachings of world administration by the Zhou yi%on the other hand,the order of the eight trigrams could also be associated with the five virtues related to benevolence,righteousness,etiquettes,propriety,trustworthiness,which provided the sages with an actual approach to the teachings of world administration.
作者 姜喜任
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 2016年第5期67-74,共8页 Studies of Zhouyi
关键词 《易纬》 郑玄 易道 圣王 经世 Yi wei Zheng Xuan Dao of the Changes sage kings world administration
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