本文首先回顾时间地理学的理论发展背景,介绍时间地理学的综合生态世界观,解说其深入人心的符号系统的特点。本文总结瑞典Kajsa Elleg?rd时间地理学团队的研究进展,从研究视角、研究方法、理论突破及应用研究等方面给予述评。Kajsa团队在研究视角上实现了从"家外"转向"家内"、从"个体"拓展到"组织"、从强调"物质空间"制约转向"社会文化"制约的创新;从研究方法上突破了从绝对时空观下的"路径"到相对时空观下"情境"的转型,以及构建了人类活动的复杂情境性的研究方法;在理论发展上实现从"外在"行为转向"内在"行为,初步构建"企划—活动—企划"的"闭环"行为决策过程链;在应用研究上坚持社会—自然—技术互动的综合视角进行综合地域研究,把时间地理学方法创新地应用于家庭能源消耗与家庭分工等方面。本文最后从中国城市转型的现实与理论背景出发,探讨"新"时间地理学在中国城市空间与社会研究中的应用前景与方向。
Recent progresses of time-geographical researches from Kajsa Ellegard and her team in Sweden could represented the new development of time-geography approach during the last three decades. Kajsa E1- legard fully developed both the conceptual framework and the notation system of time-geography, which turn on the age of "new"time-geography.Firstly, this paper briefly summarized the theoretical development of time-geography. Secondly, we put forward that "new" time-geography approach shifted from "out-of- home" to "in-home" behavior, from the emphasis on "spatial behavior" with large-scale spatial movements such as migration and commuting to the emphasis on "behavior in space and time" which were deeply influ- enced by social structure and institutional transformation. Thirdly, in terms of theoretical perspective, "new"time-geography approach has been experiencing shift from "absolute space-time" to "relative space- time". In the view of "absolute space-time", individual path was treated as a movement or trajectory from one place to another and along the clock time. In contrast, based on the"relative space-time" view, Kajsa and her group firstly create a project-oriented activity categories and coding system as well as visualization tools of complexity context of individual paths, and build up new notation systems for identifying basic events and the formation of pockets of local order. Finally, we argued that "new" time-geography approach started to pay special attentions to feedback mechanism and dynamics process of "projects-path" dialect.
Human Geography