
教育与华人子女的族群身份认同研究——以格拉斯哥为例 被引量:1

Education and Overseas Chinese Children's Ethnic Identification:A Case Study of Glasgow
摘要 教育(环境)是影响族群身份认同的重要因素。华人子女的族群身份认同主要表现在学校教育、家庭教育和个人认知及其学习倾向三个方面。根据尤巴的"三阶段说"和芬尼的"六因素理论",从学校教学目的、学校教学内容和方式、学业表现、家庭教育方式与内容、家长期待与重视度、个人文化倾向、社会交往意识和个人族群身份期待八个维度编制调查工具,以格拉斯哥为调研地域,选择50名学生发放问卷,并针对6名家长和5名学生开展深度访谈,通过分析研究结果,得出三点结论:其一,学校教育预设的开放价值未能真正观照华人学生的族群身份认同;其二,家庭教育在浓郁的"华夏根"的情节中谨慎地引导子女觉识并形成族群身份;其三,在中等程度的认知与学习倾向中,华人子女未表现出明显的华夏族群身价认同意识。 Education or educational environment is an important element for ethnic identification.Overseas Chinese children's ethnic identification embraces three aspects-school education,family education and self-education with learning inclination.In line with Uba's"three steps theory"and Phinney's"six elements theory",the author designed a questionnaire with eight dimensions,including school teaching aims,school teaching contents and methods,academic achievement,family education methods and contents,parents' expectation and focus,individual cultural inclination,social interaction consciousness and individual ethnic identity expectation.The study surveyed 50 students using the questionnaire and interviewed 6parents and 5students in Glasgow.The analysis of data shows that the value of being open in school education couldn't address the issue of Chinese students' ethnic identification.Second,family education prudently introduced their children to be aware of ethnic identity in the strong complex of"Chinese rootedness".Third,overseas Chinese children didn't show obvious recognition for their Chinese ethnic identity in medium-level cognition and learning inclination.
作者 王乐
出处 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期81-90,共10页 Journal of Educational Studies
关键词 华人子女 族群身份 族群身份认同 学校教育 家庭教育 overseas Chinese children ethnic identity ethnic identification school education family education
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