
电流非线性补偿的开关磁阻电动机转矩分配函数控制 被引量:4

Constant Torque Control for SRM Using TSF Based on Nonlinear Current Compensation
摘要 针对开关磁阻电动机转矩分配函数控制因采用线性电感模型得到的电流值无法满足转矩-电流非线性关系而造成转矩脉动较大的问题,提出电流非线性补偿的控制策略,在转矩分配函数控制基础上引入瞬时转矩反馈,采用泰勒多项式将转矩偏差经非线性计算环节折算成电流偏差,并将电流偏差叠加到主通路电流上以补偿电流非线性部分,间接补偿转矩非线性特性,实现电机恒转矩控制。仿真结果表明,在补偿优化后的电流控制下,输出转矩快速收敛至给定转矩,转矩脉动明显减小。 A novel torque sharing function( TSF) control of nonlinear compensation of current was proposed for sovling the problem that the previous desired current calculated by linear inductance model cannot satisfy the nonlinearity between torque and current,which aimed at reducing the torque ripple of switched reluctance motor. By the introduction of instantaneous torque feedback on the basis of prime TSF control,the torque deviation was converted into current deviation by the nonlinear calculation process using the Taylor polynomial. Afterwards,the complemental current was superposed to the primary path current. In such a way,the nonlinearity of current and torque was compensated respectively and the constant torque control was accomplished. Simulation results prove that under the optimal current control,the output torque can quickly converge to the given torque and the fluctuations are significantly weakened.
出处 《微特电机》 北大核心 2016年第9期65-68,85,共5页 Small & Special Electrical Machines
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60964001 61263013) 广西信息科学实验中心重大项目(20130110)
关键词 开关磁阻电机 转矩分配函数 泰勒多项式 非线性电流 switched reluctance motor torque sharing function(TSF) Taylor polynomial nonlinear current
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