
物联网综述 被引量:6

The Internet of Things:a Survey
摘要 本文研究物联网。麻省理工学院的Auto-ID实验室于1999年第一次提出了”物联网”的概念。物联网是通过射频识别设备、传感器设备、全球定位系统和无线传感器网络等信息传感采集通信设备,按照预定的协议,再通过接入网将所有物品与互联网智能连接,进行主动的智能的信息交换,以实现智能化自主化监控、跟踪、定位、识别与管理的一种网络。这里涵盖了两方面的意思:一方面,物联网仍是以互联网为基础和核心,是在互联网基础上进行扩展和延伸的一种网络;另一方面,物联网使得传统互联网的用户从人延伸到了物,信息交换的对象从人与人之间延伸到了人与物品、物品与物品之间,信息交换的领域和对象发生了变革。随着研究人员对物联网概念、体系结构、核心技术和应用领域深入研究,物联网在中国、美国、欧盟和韩国等国家和地区得到了快速地发展。这也促进了物联网在各个行业领域的广泛应用。目前,物联网被广泛应用于智能电网、智能交通、智能家居、智能物流、智能医疗、环境监测和生态农业等行业领域。 This paper addresses the Intemet of Things. Auto-ID Lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology first proposed the concept of the Internet of Things in 1999. The Internet of Things collects information with ra- dio frequency identification, sensors, global positioning systems, wireless sensor networks, and so on. Accord- ing to predetermined protocols, the Internet of Things, through the access network, builds an intelligent connec- tion between all the things and the Internet, so that it tracking, localization, identification and management. can intelligently and autonomously realize the monitoring, The Internet of Things can be understood in two ways : on Internet ; on the other hand, the users of the Internet, with the Internet of Things, are extended from people to things. With the in - depth study of the researchers for the internet of Things ture, key technology and applications, it achieves rapid development in China South Korea, and so on. Nowadays, the Internet of Things tion, intelligent home, intelligent logistics, intelligent culture, etc. , including its concept, architec- , America, the European Union, is widely used in smart grid, intelligent transporta- medical, environmental monitoring and ecological agri-
出处 《电光系统》 2016年第3期17-23,共7页 Electronic and Electro-optical Systems
关键词 物联网 互联网 无线传感器网络 体系结构 智能 Internet of Things Internet Wireless Sensor Networks Architecture Intelligent
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