中国是第一大小麦生产国,中国政府为了保证粮食安全在小麦基础研究方面投入了大量资金。本研究采集了WOS核心集合数据库收录的、2005—2015年发表的22 923篇关于小麦研究的学术论文,采用文献计量法,在发文量和被引频次两个基本指标基础上,计算了h指数、综合影响力指标I3和4项期刊影响力指标(期刊影响因子、5年期刊影响因子、特征因子和论文影响力)百分位等衍生指标,分别以国家和机构为单位,从发文量、高被引论文、高综合影响力指标I3论文、高影响力期刊论文等维度,进行了国际学术影响力比较。研究表明,(1)2008年开始中国在小麦研究领域发表的论文数量稳居世界第一;2011年以来中国机构在发文量排序中一直位居第一。(2)基于h指数的论文被引频次分布与TOP10%高被引论文两项指标说明,中国机构的高被引论文占比都较低。(3)从ESI高水平论文数量来看,中国农业科学院是表现最好的中国机构。(4)高综合影响力指标I3、高影响力期刊论文中,中国机构的论文数量占绝对优势,但每项指标的平均表现都比较靠后。总之,中国虽然已成为小麦研究领域的研究大国,研究主力地位已确立,但在引领小麦研究前沿方面尚有提升空间。
China is the largest wheat producing country,and the government has invested large sums of money in the basic research of wheat in order to ensure food security.In this study,total 22 923 papers studied about wheat between 2005 and 2015were retrieved from WOS database.Based on two basic indicators—including the number of publications and citations—h-Index,integrated impact indicator(I3),and four kinds of percentile of journal impact indicators were analyzed.In addition,the international academic influences of different countries and institutions were analyzed through bibliometric analyses of publications,highly-cited papers,high-comprehensive influence(I3)papers,high-impact journal papers and other dimensions.Our result showed that in aspect of publication,China ranks No.1consistently since 2008;the amount of publication by Chinese research institutions ranks No.1since 2011—the amount of two indicators—citation distributions on h-index and TOP10% highly-cited papers—showed that the proportion of the highly-cited papers of the Chinese institutions is low—in aspect of ESI Top Papers,the performance of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences is the best among Chinese institutions;in aspect of high-comprehensive influence index(I3)and highly-impact journals,the number of papers of Chinese institutions is dominant,but the average perform-ance of each index is relatively low-ranking.In conclusion,China has been a superpower in wheat research field,and the main research status has been established.However the academic influence of cutting-edge research needs to be improved.
World Agriculture