For investors in immature capital market, they prefer stock dividend to cash dividend; and for investors in mature capital market, they prefer the latter one. In practice, Chinese investors prefer stock dividend the most, and then the mixed dividend, and cash dividend; refinancing behavior can offset some of the market reaction, and can help stabilize the market. Only with the help of effective cooperation among listed companies, investors and supervisors, and the rational choice of financing pattern and dividend policy, will we really stabilize the market. For the supervisors, they should perfect related laws and regulations, standardize the investment and financing related policies and dividend policies of listed companies, and strengthen the related approval and supervision system; for the investors, they should objectively understand different kinds of financing and refinancing pattern, take enterprises evaluation as the base, and rationally make their investment decision; for the listed companies, they should take their own capability as the base, rationally choose the pattern of financing, take the continuous and stable dividend as the principle to change the pattern and channel of financing, scientifically formulate their dividend policy, make both the investors and listed companies to gain stable profit with sustainable profit expectation, and really realize the sustainable development with the help of market-oriented measures.
China Business and Market