
不同培植方式下铺地黍扩繁效果比较研究 被引量:3

A Comparative Studyon Torpedograss Breeding Effect in Different Cultivated Methods
摘要 铺地黍(Panicum repens L.)因其较强的抗污染和快速繁殖能力具备了生态修复污染土壤和水体的潜力与优势.因构建铺地黍生态修复系统,需要大量的植株扩繁材料,因此,有必要对铺地黍育苗方式进行系统研究.试验通过铺地黍营养枝、块根和根茎繁殖材料分别在水培、土培和沙培三种介质中的生长特性,对铺地黍无性繁殖能力进行综合评价.试验结果显示,铺地黍的三种繁殖材料在各介质中都能正常繁殖生长,均可作为铺地黍生态修复系统建植材料来源.相对而言,水培方式最适合铺地黍育苗,且块根繁殖+水培方式在培植第32天的根数、根长、分枝数、植株绝对高度及地上生物量等指标值均最高,育苗效果最佳,其次是营养枝繁殖+水培方式. Torpedograss exhibits some superiorities to be applied in ecological restoration for the polluted soil or water because of its higher resistance and quick breeding abilities. Large amount of torpedograss propagation materials would be needed in order to construct the torpedograss-eco-restoration system, therefore, studies on the optimal methods of torpedograss breeding are necessary. In this study, plant branch, root tuber and rhizome were used to cultivate in water, soil and sand condition, respectively, by pot experiment. At the same time, the plant morphological features of torpedograss in each of the treatments were determined to evaluate the vegetative propagation abilities of torpedograss. Experiment results showed that plant branch, root tuber and rhizome all suited for breeding due to their normal growth in all cultivated medium. Comparatively, water-cultivated condition was the best for torpedograss breeding and root tuber was the optimal vegetative propagation material because of the highest values in root number, root length, branch number, absolute height and shoot biomass; watercultivated condition together with plant branch vegetative propagation was better.
出处 《广东第二师范学院学报》 2016年第5期71-75,共5页 Journal of Guangdong University of Education
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31601985) 广东省科技计划项目(c163065700319) 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(2015A030313849)
关键词 铺地黍 培植技术 植物修复 torpedograss cultivated technique phytoremediation
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