
安徽省某地区体力活动与肺结核关联的病例对照研究 被引量:4

Physical Activity Associated with Tuberculosis in a Given Area of Anhui Province-A Case Control Study
摘要 目的调查安徽省某地区体力活动现状,探讨体力活动与肺结核发生的关系。方法在安徽省淮南市东方集团附属肿瘤医院肺结核的两个病区开展病例组调查,随机抽取210名确诊为肺结核的患者进行问卷调查。在淮南市体检中心开展对照组调查,随机抽取596人进行问卷调查。结果分析最终收回的病例组有效问卷204份和对照组有效问卷531份后发现:不同性别、营养状况、是否患糖尿病和是否吸烟在病例组和对照组差异有统计学意义(,值分别为9.251,42.138,16.254和19.501;P值均〈0.05);中等强度运动和每天静坐时间≥12小时在病例组和对照组差异有统计学意义(X2值分为9.793和34.313;P值均〈0.05),且每周≥3次的中等强度运动是患肺结核与否的保护因素,其OR值(95%CI)为0.83(0.72~0.96);而每天静坐时间≥12小时这种强度的体力活动是患肺结核与否的危险因素,其OR值(95%c,)为1.63(1.42~1.88)。结论体力活动与肺结核密切相关,为了防止患肺结核,我们应当适当加强中等强度的运动,避免长时间静坐。 Objective To investigate the physical activity situation in a given area in Anhui province and explore the relationship between physical activity and tuberculosis. Methods The case group was carded out in Oriental group affiliated tumor hospital of Huainan,Anhui province, and the 210 samples who diagnosed with tuberculosis were randomly chosen to carry out the investigation. The control group was carried out in the local MEC( medical examination center), and the other 596 people were randomly chosen to carry out the investigation. Results The results are based on the analysis between recovered valid 204 samples of case group and 531 samples of control group. After that, we found that there was statistically significant difference a- mong different conditions on genders, nutritional status, diabetes and smoking between the case group and the control group (X2 values were 9. 251,9. 251,42. 138,19. 501 ; P value 〈 0. 05) ,and we also found there was statistically significant difference in moderate intensity exercise and more than 12 hours' everyday meditation time(x2 values were 9. 793, and 9. 793; p value 〈 0. 05 ) :carrying out three or more times moderate intensity exercise per week is a protection factor for tuberculosis, the OR (95 % CI) value was 0. 83(0.72-0. 96) ,and more than 12 hours' everyday meditation time is a risk factor for suffering tuberculosis, the OR value(95% CI) was 1.63 (1.42-1.88). Conclusion Physical activity is closely related with tuberculosis. To prevent suffering from tuberculosis, we should increase the chance of moderate intensity exercise and reduce the time of meditation.
出处 《中国卫生统计》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期767-769,773,共4页 Chinese Journal of Health Statistics
基金 安徽理工大学青年教师科学研究基金重点项目(QN201445)
关键词 肺结核 体力活动 危险因素 Tuberculosis Physical activity Risk factor
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