目的研究生物钟对小鼠昼夜眼压的影响。方法 C57BL/6J小鼠随机分为6组(组1,3和5为野生型小鼠,组2,4和6为Cry1-/-Cry2-/-双基因敲除小鼠)),每天8次(0,3,6,9,12,15,18和21点)测量双眼眼压。在眼压测量期间,组1和组2的小鼠处于12h光照,12h黑暗(LD)环境;组3和组4的小鼠在眼压测量前的48h一直处于完全黑暗(DD)环境中;组5和组6的小鼠在眼压测量前的48h一直处于完全光照(LL)环境中,分析周期性的眼压变化。结果野生型LD组的光照条件下的眼压明显低于黑暗环境中的眼压,而且在DD和LL环境下仍然保持着眼压的双相性;在LD,DD和LL环境下,Cry基因敲除小鼠的眼压没有表现明显的节律性。结论生物钟的周期震荡依赖生物钟基因的调控,这对眼压的24h节律性波动起到重要的作用。
Objective To investigate the influence of the circadian clock genes on 24-hour intraocular pressure(IOP) rhythm.Methods C57BL/6J mice were randomly divided into 6 groups(group1,3 and 5,wild-type;group2,4 and 6,Cry-deficient [Cry1-/-Cry2-/-]).IOP was measured at eight time points daily(circadian time [CT] 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,and 21 hours),During the IOP measurements,mice in groups 1 and 2 were maintained in a 12-hour light-dark cycle(LD),mice in groups 3 and 4 were kept in a constant darkness(DD) that started 48 hours before the measurements,mice in groups5 and 6 were kept in a constant lightness(LL)that started 48 hours before the measurements.Analyze the changes of the IOP rhythm.Results In wild-type mice living in LD conditions,pressures measured in the light phase were significantly lower than those in the dark phase.This daily rhythm was maintained under DD and LL conditions.In contrast,Cry-deficient mice did not show significant circadian changes in IOP,regardless of environmental light conditions.Conclusion Clock oscillatory mechanisms require the activity of clock genes,and it's important for the generation of a circadian rhythm of IOP.
Jiangxi Medical Journal