
大型CFD软件自动化测试平台的初步设计与实现 被引量:9

Preliminary design and application of CFD software automatic testing platform
摘要 针对大型通用CFD软件研制的需求,为了提升CFD软件的开发效率,初步设计与开发了一个CFD软件自动化测试平台。该平台基于MySQL数据库,通过前台界面和远程集群后台管理程序的网络信息交互,实现了自主研发的通用CFD软件平台(HyperFLOW)的自动测试及验证与确认。根据需要适当修改前置处理接口,该平台亦可推广应用于其他CFD软件的自动测试。本文重点介绍了平台的基本框架和总体设计思路、平台的数据库和前台管理GUI设计、网络交互和后台管理等,并利用典型算例对计算结果的验证与确认过程进行了简要介绍,最后对平台构建的后续工作进行了展望。 To improve the efficiency of the development of large scale CFD software,an auto-matic testing platform was designed preliminarily for our CFD solver HyperFLOW.The platform works on MySQL database.Through the communication between the GUI on a desktop comput-er and the management module on a remote server,the platform carried out the automatic testing jobs on a remote PC-cluster,and then the numerical results were automatically transferred back to the platform for the study of verification and validation.The main idea and the basic frame structure were introduced firstly,and then the database design and the GUI design were dis-cussed in details.Three test cases were presented to demonstrate the function of the platform. This platform can be applied for any CFD solver,if the input interface of the solver is unified in the format of this platform.
出处 《空气动力学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期418-425,共8页 Acta Aerodynamica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(11272339)
关键词 自动化测试 验证与确认 HyperFLOW 软件 CFD 软件开发 GUI 设计 MYSQL 数据库 automatic testing verification and validation HyperFLOW software CFD soft-ware development GUI design MySQL database
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