
某Bump进气道流动控制计算研究 被引量:5

Numerical simulation research of a Bump inlet flow control
摘要 以某Bump(凸包)进气道为研究对象,采用CFD数值模拟技术对其内、外流场进行计算,重点研究超声速来流马赫数M_∞=1.60下进气道气动、流场特性;根据进气道内、外流场特点,分别设计机身棱线涡扰流片、进气道抽吸及射流流动控制装置,目的在于提高飞机M_∞=1.60来流、进/发匹配点条件下进气道总压恢复、降低出口流场畸变;采用CFD技术对各流动控制装置效能进行计算,基于计算结果,对各流动控制装置效能及典型装置流动控制机理进行了分析。研究表明,M_∞=1.60来流、负迎角下,扰流片作用不明显;采用进气道抽吸或射流控制措施,对提高进气道总压恢复有效。研究结果可为类似F-35那样的隐身战机Bump进气道流动控制或工程发展提供一定的技术参考。 A Bump inlet flow control is researched in this paper.Numerical simulation of the inner and outer flow fields of the inlet are focused on its aerodynamic and flow field properties un-der the condition of supersonic inflow with Mach number of 1.60.Based on this result,flow control devices,which are spoiler for airframe ridge vortex and inlet micro-mass suction/blow or jet control devices,are designed respectively to improve the inlet total pressure recovery and de-crease the flow distortion with the inflow Mach number of 1.60 while inlet and engine match point.The performance of control devices are numerically simulated subsequently to provide da-tabase for the analysis of each flow control device’s performance and its flow control mechanism. The results reveal that the spoiler is of weak performance at negative angles of attack with the in-flow Mach number of 1.60;however,the inlet micro-mass suction/blow or jets control method is effective to control inlet total pressure recovery.This study provides certain reference for the engineering development and flow control strategies of Bump inlet used in stealth fighter.
出处 《空气动力学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期476-481,共6页 Acta Aerodynamica Sinica
基金 航空科学基金项目(20111226006)
关键词 进气道 流动控制 总压恢复 流场畸变 机理 inlet flow control total pressure recovery flow field distortion mechanism
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