2016年3月,欧洲甲状腺学会/欧洲Graves眼病专家组( EUGOGO)发布了Graves眼病管理指南。与2008年版的专家共识相比,新指南采用GRADE推荐及证据级别系统,纳入新近临床随机对照试验的研究结果,对轻度突眼的硒制剂治疗、中重度活动性突眼的一线、二线治疗选择、中重度非活动性突眼的手术治疗等问题进行了详细阐述,给出明确的推荐条目共17条。新指南同时提及,重症Graves眼病、激素治疗无效的Graves眼病仍是目前最为棘手的问题,而临床试验中一些新药的疗效尚待验证。
[Summary] In March 2016, European Thyroid Association/European Group on Graves’ Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) published a guideline for the management of Graves’orbitopathy (GO). Compared with the consensus statement of EUGOGO on management of GO, the guideline presents the selenium supplementation for mild GO, the first-line and second-line therapy for moderate-to-severe and active GO and the surgery for moderate-to-severe and inactive GO in detail, which adopts grading of recommendations and level of evidence and incorporates the results of recent clinical randomized trials. The guideline includes 17 specific recommendations. The treatment of patients with severe GO, and those who do not response to glucocoticoids is still a challenge. The novel agents will have to be awaited with the results of clinical studies.
Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism