
众筹融资绩效影响因素研究——基于文献综述的视角 被引量:12

The Factors of Crowdfunding Financing Performance: In Perspective of Literature Review
摘要 互联网金融刚刚兴起,众筹作为互联网金融中一种正在兴起的创新性项目筹资方式,理论研究刚刚起步,急需要深入探究。综观现有国内外文献,研究成果少且较为分散。众筹融资绩效是创新项目发起人关心的核心问题,也是目前学者们关注的焦点,基于文献综述的视角,对众筹的定义及内涵做了综述并给出了相应的界定,从众筹机理、筹资者行为、出资者行为和众筹宏观环境等4个方面梳理了理论文献,总结了对众筹融资绩效的影响因素,并提出了未来研究方向和需要从理论上解答的主要问题。 With the booming of internet finance, crowdfunding becoming a very important way of raising money for innova- tion-technology projects. It is very important to have an overview of crowdfunding. It's the core question for entrepreneurs to understand what factors that influence crowdfunding financing performance, and also it's the key point to researchers. Based on literature review, we summarized the research of crowdfunding, including the definition and connotation of crowdfunding, and made a definition of the concept of crowdfunding. We analyzed the research of crowdfunding mechanism, financing behavior, funders behavior and the macro environment, at last, we summarized the factors of crowdfunding financing performance Based on the review of existing research, we put forward the future research space of crowdfunding and some questions that need to solve theoretically.
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第11期117-127,共11页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71472172) 教育部人文社会科学基金项目(14YJA630035)
关键词 创新 技术创新 众筹 创新项目 融资绩效 Innovation technological innovation crowdfunding innovation project financing performance
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