

Coexistence of“Tradition”and“Modernity”:The Artistic Features of Lin Huiyin's Novel Ninety-nine Degrees
摘要 从形式到内容上,林徽因的《九十九度中》是非常富有现代性的一篇小说。这部小说探讨了人们对幸福和自由的不懈追求,也对当时中国社会进行了批判。在传统与现代思想冲突的背景下林徽因创作了《九十九度中》,这部作品体现了作家创作中对现代性的独特见解。虽然她的作品在思想上深受传统文化的影响,也以传统为主要叙述平台,但她在创作中对现代性的理解和应用也都非常特别,所以在作品中能看到其对现代性创作手法和传统思想的熟练转换,丝毫没让读者感到突兀,反而使之得到了完美的整合,这也是林徽因创作中最为新颖之处。因此研究《九十九度中》的创作,可以从"现代"与"传统"并存的创作视角作为切入点,结合波德莱尔提出的"现代性"理论对《九十九度中》文本进行全新的解读,探讨以中国和西方为代表的传统和现代对林徽因创作的影响。同时分析作家是如何通过"现代性"的创作来实现对中国传统文化和艺术的整合与创新,这不仅有助于了解作家对现代性的独特认识,还有助于理解作家的人文情怀及她对人生问题的一些思考。对文章中所使用的"现代性"作进一步的界定,并结合作品,可以探讨双重文化对林徽因创作的影响和蕴藏在作品中的独特意义。 From the form to the content,Lin Huiyin's Ninety-nine Degrees turns out to be a unique example of modernism of the era.The novel explores people's relentless pursuit of happiness and freedom but also criticizes the Chinese society at that time.Against the background of the conflict between tradition and modernism,Lin Huiyin's writing in the Ninety-nine Degrees reflects the unique view of modernism in contemporary China.Although her works was affected by traditional education and culture and basically stands on platform of Chinese literature tradition,her understanding and application of modernity is very special.It can be seen in her novel the skilled conversion of modern writing techniques and traditional thought,which doesn't make the reader feel awkward,but on the contrary has been the perfect integration.That is the most original feature of Lin Huiyin's creation.Therefore,the study of the creation of Ninety-nine Degrees can take the creation perspective of coexistence of modernity and tradition as a starting point.The study compares Baudelaire's"modernity"theory with the Ninety-nine Degrees in the new interpretation of the text to explore the impact of tradition and modernity on Lin Huiyin's creation both from Chinese and Western culture.At the same time,it analyzes how the writer realized the integration and innovation of Chinese traditional culture and art through the creation of"modernity".This does not only help to understand the writer's unique understanding of modernity,but also help to understand the writer's humanistic feelings and thinking of life issues.
作者 黄娇娇
机构地区 北京大学中文系
出处 《河北广播电视大学学报》 2016年第5期37-43,共7页 Journal of Hebei Radio & TV University
关键词 林徽因 《九十九度中》 波德莱尔的“现代性” 现代与传统并存 Lin Huiyin Ninety-nine Degrees the modernity of Baudelaire coexistence of tradition and modernity
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