目的 评价应用国产左心声学造影剂“全氟显”定量心肌血流灌注的可行性。方法 建立犬前降支缺血模型 ,经外周静脉持续匀速输注“全氟显” ,存取不同触发间隔的造影图像 ,通过计算造影剂再充填曲线的平台声强度及微泡再充填速率估测心肌血流量。以正常区为参照、放射微球测定心肌血流量为“金标准” ,判定应用国产左心声学造影剂定量心肌血流灌注的可行性。结果 放射微球测定心肌血流量与心肌声学造影定量结果相关良好 (r=0 .891 3 ,P=0 .0 0 1 )。结论 静脉匀速输注“全氟显”
Objective To evaluate the feasibility of myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) using homemade self-made agent in the quantification of myocardial perfusion.Methods A screw occluder was placed around the proximal LAD,and different stenosis were produced in 10 dogs.Self-made contrast agent was continuousl infused from femoral vein.Normalized myocardial blood flow (MBF) derived from MCE was compared with which derived from radio-labeled microsphere (RM).Results Good correlation was found between MBF derived from MCE and MBF derived from RM ( r =0.8913, P =0.001).Conclusions Self-made contrast agent can be used to quantify myocardial perfusion.
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound in Medicine
国家新药研究基金资助 ( 96 - 90 1- 0 5- 88)