
融合点进近系统分析 被引量:5

Merging Point Approach System Analysis
摘要 高密度终端区的空域资源日益紧张,为了保证终端区运行效率和安全,提出了结合精密导航技术的融合点进近系统。通过对其描述分析,并与现行运行模式进行比较,表明该系统可以大幅提高机场管制效率,具有较强的实用性。 The high density of terminal airspace is becoming increasingly intensive. In order to ensure the efficiency and security of terminal area, this paper presents the Merging point approach system combining with Precise Area Navigation technology. Through the description and analysis of this system, comparing with the current mode of operation, it shows that the system can greatly improve the efficiency of airport control efficiency, and has higher practical applicability.
作者 陈相安
出处 《中国民航飞行学院学报》 2016年第6期68-72,共5页 Journal of Civil Aviation Flight University of China
关键词 区域导航 航路结构 融合点进近 RNAV Route Structure Merging Point Approach
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