在中国上海隆线隐翅虫亚族的分类研究中,共鉴定出隆线隐翅虫亚族3属共3种:赤翅隆线隐翅虫Lathrobium dignum Sharp,1874,黑纹伪隆线隐翅虫Pseudolathra lineata Herman,2003和翅斑细项隐翅虫Tetartopeus gracilentus Kraatz,1859.首次报道了赤翅隆线隐翅虫Lathrobium dignum和翅斑细项隐翅虫Tetartopeus gracilentus在上海的分布.首次给出了赤翅隆线隐翅虫Lathrobium dignum和黑纹伪隆线隐翅虫Pseudolathra lineata的雌性特征图,并对其主要雌性分类特征进行了描述.
Materials of Lathrobiina ( Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from Shanghai, eastern China, were examined. Three species were identified : Lathrobium dignum Sharp, 1874, Pseudolathra lineata Herman,2003 and Tetartopeus gracilentus Kraatz, 1859. Lathrobium dignum and Tetartopeus gracilentus are newly discovered from Shanghai. Illustrations of female sexual characters of Lathrobium dignum and Pseudolathra lineata are provided for the first time.
Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Natural Sciences)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(31201734)