为了更好地保护、开发、利用和管理新疆园林植物资源,使用Microsoft Visual Studio 2010旗舰版、MS SQL Server 2008企业版、Photoshop CS4等软件,以Windows Sever 2008 R2、IIS7.0、Framework 4.0、NET C#构建系统运行环境,采用ASP.NET技术、JS技术、面向对象技术、数据库技术、验证码等技术对园林信息库系统进行设计与开发。系统包括"常见园林植物""珍稀濒危特有植物""病虫害查询与诊断""园林问问""系统信息""用户登录"等功能模块,为用户提供了名录查看、名片查看、输入关键字检索3种查看园林植物和病虫草害信息,提供搜索问题答案、发表提问和QQ客服等交流方式,有利于用户更好地获取其所需要的信息。
In order to better protect, develop, utilize and manage the garden plant resource in Xinjiang, we used Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 flagship version, MS SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition, Photoshop CS4 and other software, and Windows Sever 2008 R2, IIS7.0, Framework 4.0 and NET C# were used to construct the system operation environment.ASP.NET technology, JS technology, object oriented technology, da-tabase technology, verification code and other technologies to develop and design the garden information base system.The system included the function modules of common garden plants, rare and endangered endemic plants, query and diagnosis of plant diseases and insect pests, ques-tions about garden, system information, back-stage management and so on.Communication modes were provided for the users, which was condu-cive for users to obtain the needed information.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences