

Application of graphene as absorbing materials
摘要 自从石墨烯被发现以来,因其优异的性能而备受关注,随着现代通讯技术的发展,吸波材料的研究方兴未艾。石墨烯单独作为吸波材料性能并不突出,但与其他材料复合使用,可以极大地提高吸波性能,是一种极有前途的吸波材料。 Graphene has attained most attention due to its excellent chemical & physical properties since it was found. With the development of modern communication, the research of microwave absorbing materials is becoming prominent. The properties ofgraphene are not good when used alone as the microwave absorbing material, on the contrary, the composites ofgraphene have outstanding microwave absorbing properties. Graphene is a promising material in the field of microwave absorption.
出处 《粘接》 CAS 2016年第11期31-34,共4页 Adhesion
关键词 石墨烯 微波吸收 应用 graphene microwave absorption application
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