
一种基于演化博弈的分簇协作路由算法 被引量:7

A Cluster Cooperative Routing Algorithm Based on Evolutionary Game
摘要 现有的分簇协作路由没有依据协作通信的特点选择簇头,也没能根据簇头节点的服务能力均衡簇成员负载,因而不能充分发挥协作通信能量高效的优势.本文提出了一种基于演化博弈的分簇协作路由算法CCREG.算法首先定义虚节点剩余能量作为簇头确立的指标,然后通过动态演化博弈为簇联盟问题建立模型.簇成员节点选择不同簇头结成联盟,可获得不同的收益.收益由簇头的能力、簇成员节点个数等因素决定.簇成员节点都可以根据自身得到的信息有限理性的选择簇结成联盟,直到网络中所有节点改变簇联盟都不能获得更高的收益.实验结果表明,与协作多输入多输出路由算法CMIMO相比,CCREG算法的网络生存周期在两个簇头情况下延长14%到70%,三个簇头情况下延长5%到80%. Since the existing cluster cooperative routing algorithms select cluster heads without considering the characteristics of cooperative communication and don't balance the cluster member according to the capacity of cluster heads,they can't fully exploit the advantage of cooperative communication on saving energy consumption. A cluster cooperative routing algorithm based on evolutionary game( CCREG) is proposed. Firstly,the energy of virtual node is the metric of cluster head selection. Secondly,the model of cluster membership based on the evolutionary game is formulated,where member nodes select different clusters to join in leading to different payoffs which are decided by the capacity of the cluster head and the number of cluster members. Each member node selects a cluster to join in,till it can't achieve more payoffs by changing the cluster to join in. The experiment shows that CCREG can prompt the network lifetime by 14% ~ 70% with two cluster headers,by 5% ~ 80% with three cluster headers,compared with cooperative multi-input multi-output routing( CMIMO).
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期2158-2163,共6页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 国家973重点基础研究发展计划(No.2012CB315805) 国家自然科学基金(No.61173167 No.61472130)
关键词 协作路由 演化博弈 分簇路由 网络生存周期 cooperative routing the evolutionary game cluster routing network lifetime
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