Nowadays it is common to see inefficiency and time-consuming in English learning for Chinese learners. This paper makes a brief analysis of this phenomenon from two major aspects: internal factors and external factors. The former includes age factor, affective factor, efforts and gift and the mode of thinking. The latter includes linguistic factor, sociocultural factor and the examination system. And then some practical strategies are given on the basis of the Critical Period Hypothesis, considering affective factor, making enough efforts and taking advantage of gift, adapting to different modes of thinking, Krashen's Input Hypothesis, the Whorfian Hypothesis and perfecting the examination system in order to improve the phenomenon.
Nowadays it is common to see inefficiency and time-consuming in English learning for Chinese learners. This paper makes a brief analysis of this phenomenon from two major aspects: internal factors and external factors. The former includes age factor, affective factor, efforts and gift and the mode of thinking. The latter includes linguistic factor, sociocuhural factor and the examination system. And then some practical strategies are given on the basis of the Critical Period Hypothesis, considering affeetive factor, making enough efforts and taking advantage of gift, adapting to different modes of thinking, Krashen's Input Hypothesis, the Whorfian Hypothesis and perfecting the examination system in order to improve the phenomenon.
Science & Technology Vision
English learning
Chinese learners