A method for determination of pesticide residues in vegetables by online gel filtration chromatography-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GPC-GC/MS) was established. Pesticide residues in vegetable samples were ex-tracted with acetonitrile, purified by QuEChERS and online GPC, injected with programmable temperature increase through a SWAFER into the gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer, separated on an Elite-5MS column, detected under the SIR mode using an EI source and quantified by external standard method. Good linearity between peak areas and concentrations was demonstrated over the concentration range of 5-200μg/kg; the correlation coefficient was greater than 0.990 for all analytes. The recoveries were between 65.1% and 140%. The limits of detection were between 0.5 and 5.0μg/kg.
Food and Fermentation Science & Technology