

Analysis of Clean Coal Technology based on Patentometrics
摘要 本文对德温特创新索引专利数据库中收录的与清洁煤领域相关的专利数据进行检索,分析了清洁煤专利的整体产出情况、重点技术领域和主要申请机构的专利战略布局情况。研究表明:全球清洁煤领域目前正处于快速增长向相对成熟阶段的过渡阶段,主要技术研究集中于碳捕集、利用与封存中的碳分离和煤炭转化(煤液化、煤气化)等方面;专利顶尖研发机构主要分布于日本、美国和中国,日本和美国相关技术研发以企业为主体,市场应用为主要导向,而中国则以大学和科研院所为主导,企业参与研发比重仍需加强。中国技术研发能力、专利市场价值和技术价值有待提高,需多重视专利布局,加强通过国际专利的申请保护其在全球范围内的市场和利益的意识。 Based on patent data of clean coal field collected by Derwent Innovations Index (DII), the conditions of the patent total output, key technical areas and patent strategy layout of main patent applicants related to clean coal technology are analyzed. Research has shown that global clean coal field is currently in a transition stage from rapid growth to a relatively mature phase, and main researches focuses on areas of carbon capture, use and storage, coal liquefaction, coal gasification; the top patent R&D institutions in clean coal technology mainly distributed in Japan, US and China, however, relevant technology R&D in the first two countries are characterized by the business and market-oriented as the main application while China by universities and research institutes. China R&D capabilities, patent market value and technical value needs to be improved, to be more emphasis on patent layout, strengthen awareness and protect the worldwide market interests by international patent applications.
作者 周肖贝 赵蕴华 苑朋彬 ZHOU Xiao-bei ZHAO Yun-hua YUAN Peng-bin(Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038)
出处 《全球科技经济瞭望》 2016年第7期66-76,共11页 Global Science,Technology and Economy Outlook
基金 国家科技支撑计划课题"专利信息支撑科研项目管理应用示范"(2013BAH21B05) 国家科技图书文献中心重大专项服务项目"非常规油气开发重大专项服务"(2016)
关键词 清洁煤技术 专利 碳捕集 低碳 clean coal technology patent carbon capture low-carbon
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