EAST装置结构复杂并且含有很多功能各异的子系统,虚拟EAST系统旨在建立一个EAST虚拟现实场景,用户在虚拟EAST场景中通过交互实现虚拟漫游和信息获取.虚拟EAST系统在预处理阶段会产生各种格式和类型的装置模型文件以方便不同系统的开发需要,因此需要高效的管理和使用这些模型.另外,与实验相关的参数信息、诊断信息和电磁测量的相关信息都统一存储在My SQL数据库中,虚拟EAST系统的开发成员共同使用和维护模型及数据信息,因此需要建立一个统一的入口方便查看和管理装置模型和数据,以促进虚拟EAST系统的开发人员之间的相互协作,避免因不规范操作造成的数据信息错误.
EAST's inner structure is very complicated and contains a lot of subsystems which have different functions. The virtual EAST system aims to establish an EAST virtual reality scene in which the user can roam and access to information by interacting with the system. In order to facilitate the development of different systems' need, a variety of formats and types of device model are produced in the preprocessing stages. Besides, related parameter information, diagnostic information and magnetic measurement information are stored in My SQL database. The virtual EAST system's developers use and maintenance the model and data together. Therefore, in order to promote mutual cooperation of developers and avoid a collision from disoperation, it is necessary to establish a system to efficiently use those models and a unified entrance for viewing and managing models and data.
Computer Systems & Applications