

Study on Empirical Formula for High Vacuum Multi-layer Insulation Pipeline's Heat Channel Design
摘要 伸缩筒形热桥广泛应用于高真空多层绝热系统中,由于其传热结构复杂,尚无可靠设计公式可供利用,论文将热桥结构等效简化为成熟传热学模型,考虑内径、外径、材料导热系数及热桥长度都影响因素,推导出热桥设计的经验公式,并利用数值仿真技术对经验公式的可靠性进行了验证。 The telescopic tube heat channel which is useful in the high vacuum multi-layer insulation pipeline system,its structure is complicated for heat transfer calculation,so no formula can be use in the heat channel design. Heat channel structure can be equivalent simplification of heat transfer mode in use,these mode consider the internal diameter,the outer diameter,the thermal conductivity of material and the length of heat channel,what’s more,this paper give a empirical formula for the heat channel design,and the result of formula was compare with numerical simulation result.
出处 《机电产品开发与创新》 2016年第5期18-20,共3页 Development & Innovation of Machinery & Electrical Products
关键词 热桥 传热系数 接触热阻 真空多层绝热 低温流体 heat channel overall heat transfer coefficient thermal contact resistance vacuum multi-layer insulation cryogenic fluid
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