应用MoldFlow对塑件进行充填保压模拟,得出塑件成型过程中所需的最大压力,以此最大压力计算出刚度条件和强度条件下的型腔壁厚,并使用ANSYS Workbench对两个不同壁厚的型腔进行热-结构耦合分析。根据分析得出的高温下型腔的应力应变情况,发现以刚度条件计算出来的型腔壁厚符合工作条件。最后利用nCode DesignLife模块对刚度条件下的型腔进行疲劳寿命分析,完全能够满足使用要求。
The maximum pressure needed in the plastic molding process was obtained by using MoldFlow to simulate the filling and packing. Based on the maximum pressure, the thickness of the cavity wall was calculated under the condition of stiffness and strength, and the thermal structure coupling analysis of different wall thickness cavities was carried out by ANSYS Workbench. According to the stress and strain of the cavity under high temperature, it is found that the wall thickness calculated by the stiffness condition can meet the working conditions. Finally, the nCode DesignLife module was used to analyze the fatigue life of the cavity under the condition of stiffness, which can fully meet the requirements of the application.
Die & Mould Manufacture