Healthcare is a high-risk industry. There are many uncertain results of the medical practice. In the era of the strengthen law idea, doctors have to take more defensive medicine because of the growing awareness of patient rights and increasingly tense doctor-patient relationship. Defensive medicine is not easy to be identified because of various performance and strong concealment. The main hazards of defensive medicine include increased health care costs of patients, waste of medical resources, impede the development of medical technology, and further reduce the trust between doctors and patients and so on. The comprehensive legal system of healthcare, obviously helps alleviate the defensive medicine. Since the performance of defensive medical practices is diversified and special properties, there is no clear legislation to regulate it. How to reasonably define and analyze the legal property of defensive medicine is a necessary prerequisite for its legal regulation. From the view of the relationship existing between the legal system and defensive medical practice, medical practice "can be capacitive danger" principle applying. This paper analyzes the defensive medicine legal property and composition, compares the similarities and differences of defensive medicine between excessive medicine and protective medicine. nized defensive medicine from the legal level and constitution the legal system-level ideas for defensive medicine. It also provide suggestion to the determined and recogprinciples of tort liability, and to provide regulation of
Chinese Journal of Health Policy
Defensive Medicine
Legal Regulation
Doctor-patient relationship