
知识确证的新路径:索萨的德性知识论 被引量:2

Sosa's Virtue Epistemology: A New Approach to Epistemic Justification
摘要 欧内斯特·索萨深刻地批判了当代主流知识论对知识确证不充分的问题,并将伦理学的德性概念引入知识论中,构建了德性知识论。该理论将认知主体作为关注点,在充分考虑认知主体的内部主观因素与外部客观环境因素的基础上,提出认知主体拥有理智德性与德性的视角,以引领当代知识论的合理构建。但是它也存在一些问题:过于注重可靠的认知能力;对理智德性的界定过于模糊;构建的德性视角在实际运用中根本无从达到。针对这些问题,许多学者对德性知识论进行了指责与批判。索萨坚决维护德性知识论,并对该理论诞生之后的两大分野——德性可靠主义与德性责任主义——进行有机融合,认为认知主体拥有的可靠的认知能力与良好的品质都是知识确证必不可少的条件,两者缺一不可。 Ernest Sosa criticized profoundly the contemporary mainstream epistemology because of its insufficient epistemic jus- tification. He then introduced the notion of virtue from the ethics into epistemology and established Virtue Epistemology (VE). VE placed emphasis on the cognitive subject. Having fully taken into consideration the internal subjective factors and the external objec- tive environment, Sosa proposed that the cognitive subject had both intellectual virtue and virtue perspective, thus leading the rea- sonable construction of the contemporary epistemology. But this theory was never found to be perfect. Problems of VE include an overemphasis on reliable cognitive abilities, a vague definition of intellectual virtue, and the inaccessibility of the virtue perspective in reality. Many scholars therefore found faults with VE, but Sosa defended it resolutely. He integrated the two branches of VE - vir- tue reliabilism and virtue responsibility, and believed that both reliable cognitive ability and good character of the cognitive subject are equally important and indispensable conditions for epistemic justification.
作者 张明杰
出处 《湖南人文科技学院学报》 2016年第5期6-11,共6页 Journal of Hunan University of Humanities,Science and Technology
关键词 德性知识论 知识论 理智德性 德性的视角 Virtue Epistemology Epistemology intellectual virtue virtue perspective
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  • 1SOSA E. Skepticism and the internal/external drive [J] In The Blackwell Guide to Epistemology, 1999 ( 1 ) : 145-157.
  • 2陈嘉明.知识与确证[M].上海;上海人民出版社,2003.
  • 3SOSA E. Knowledge in perspective: selected essays in episte- mology[M]. Cambridge :Cambridge University Press, 1991.
  • 4BONJOUR L, SOSA E. Epistemic justification : internalism vs externalism, foundation vs virtue [M]. Oxford: Blackwell Pub,2003 : 156.
  • 5陈嘉明.德性知识论[J].东南学术,2003(1):116-123. 被引量:10
  • 6ZAGZEBSKI L. Virtues of the mind[M]. Cambridge : Cam- bridge University Press, 1999:8.
  • 7E.索萨,郑伟平,曹剑波.德性知识论:品质与能力[J].世界哲学,2014(5):5-20. 被引量:11
  • 8方红庆.索萨的德性知识论:问题与前景[J].自然辩证法研究,2013,29(1):8-13. 被引量:6


  • 1Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, Book I, 3. 7.
  • 2Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations, sec. 574.
  • 3Linda Zagzebski, "Virtues of the Mind", in Epistemology: An Anthology, p. 271.
  • 4Ibid. , p. 242.
  • 5John Greco, "Virtues and Vices of Virtue Epistemology", in Epistemology: An Anthology, p. 4.
  • 6索萨写道:"人们具有与环境E相关联的理智德性或能力,当且仅当他们具有内在的性质I,通过它人们能够在某命题域F以及在条件C下,最大可能地达到真理,避免错误."See Ernest Sosa,"Intellectual Virtuein Perspective,"in Knowledge in Perspective: Collected Essays in Epistemology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991), p. 284.
  • 7John Greco, "Virtues and Vices of Virtue Epistemology", in Epistemology: An Anthology, p. 472.
  • 8英文原文为"virtuous",亦可译为"有德性的".如同"德性"(virtue)一词一样,它表示的是双重的含义,既有认识意义上的有效性,又有伦理意义上的道德性.
  • 9Ibid,p.474.
  • 10See John Greco, "Virtues and Vices of Virtue Epistemology", in knowledge and justification, Ⅰ, p. 553.












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