以太行菊不定芽为材料,通过调整MS基本培养基中的无机盐、有机物质与蔗糖的用量,研究MS培养基成分的变化对太行菊不定芽增殖和生长的影响.结果表明:与单独加倍KNO_3或KH_2PO_4用量相比,同时加倍MS培养基中KNO_3与KH_2PO_4用量更有利于太行菊不定芽的增殖与生长,不定芽分化数量多,增殖系数高;培养基中NH_4NO_3用量加倍,对太行菊不定芽增殖与生长并无明显的促进作用,不定芽生长较差,叶片扁平且小.去除MS培养基中的微量元素或用N6的微量元素代替MS培养基中的微量元素,致使太行菊不定芽分化数量减少.培养基中蔗糖质量分数过小或过大对太行菊不定芽的增殖与生长均不利,不定芽分化数量减少,增殖效率降低.综合而言,适宜太行菊不定芽增殖与生长的培养基是改良MS(KNO_3与KH_2PO_4用量加倍)+6-BA(0.4 mg/L)+NAA(0.1 mg/L)+蔗糖(质量分数为2%).
The effect of basic composition of MS medium under different content level based on the MS basic medium,including inorganic salts,organic substances and sucrose on Opisthopappus taihangensis adventitious buds proliferation and growth were investigated by using adventitious buds of O. taihangensis as test materials.The results showed that :The medium with double content of KNO3 and KH2PO4 based on the MS basic medium was more beneficial to the proliferation and growth of O. taihangensis adventitious buds compared with media doubling the content of KNO3 or KH2PO4 respectively.The number of O. taihangensis adventitious buds increased,and propagation coefficient improved on the adjusted medium with doubled content of KNO3 and KH2PO4.The adjusted MS medium with the double content of NH4NO3 had no positive effect on adventitious buds proliferation and growth,and the growth of O. taihangensis adventitious buds was inhibited in this medium.The number of adventitious buds decreased on media which micro-elements of MS basic medium were removed or substituted by micro-elements of N6 basic medium.It was not conductive to .the proliferation and growth of adventitious buds at too high or low concentration of sucrose on a series of media.The number of O. taihangensis adventitious buds decreased,and propagation coefficient reduced on these medium.In conclusion,the adjusted medium with double content of KNO3 and KH2PO4 based on MS basic medium,added with 0.4 mg/L 6-BA,0.1 mg/L NAA and 2% sucrose was suitable for proliferation and growth of O. taihangensis adventitious buds.
Journal of Henan Institute of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
Opisthopappus taihangensis
adventitious buds
culture in vitro
propagation coefficient