
《金匮要略》脏腑气血异常对情志的影响 被引量:6

The Influence of Abnormal Qi and Blood of Viscera on Emotions in Essentials from the Golden Cabinet
摘要 心肺阴虚时神无所养,魄无所藏,百脉失养,以致悲喜不自知,行为相矛盾,如有神灵作祟,心肺阴虚生内热,内热生虚火,虚火扰心神,从而导致心神不安,饮食、行为失调,感知冷热矛盾。心气血内虚,心脉失于充养,又受外界惊恐刺激,使血气逆乱而致心无所倚,神无所归,出现精神惶恐,卧起不宁,自觉心中跳动不安的症状。心阳虚衰,不能运化水液使水液疏泄失调,上凌于心致使心阳被遏,阳气欲发不得,病者出现心情烦躁,忐忑不安的症状。肝阴亏虚则魂无所归,故本病的特点是心中烦扰,郁郁不宁,不能安然入睡。脾阳虚衰,湿从寒化,不能消化食物,当饱食之后,食物得不到运化使气滞阻滞不畅而烦闷。实邪阻肺时,肺的宣发肃降功能失常,使肺气壅滞于内,气机不畅,其气化燥,使人喘息而烦躁不安。湿热内蕴中焦,脾胃升清降浊失常,浊湿不降上冲于心,加之内蕴之热,上扰心神,轻者心中郁闷,烦热不安,重者心中烦乱,反复颠倒,莫可名状。肝经湿热则心中懊恼,心烦症状更为明显。寒饮搏结胸胃,胸阳阻滞,欲伸不能,邪正相搏,气机逆乱,病势欲出不能,欲降不得,以致心胸烦闷不堪,有无可奈何之状。肝气郁滞,血行不畅,使肝失条达之性,郁不得舒,气不能畅则烦躁易怒脘腹胀满。临床治疗伴有情志的疾病可以从补五脏,安精神,定魂魄,止惊悸入手,达到精神内守,神安志定的效果。 When Heart and Lung Yin deficiency happens,palienls' Shen and Po would not be shehered well and patients' Blood in vessels wouht not he nourished ,which leads to, abnormal mood and behaviors,which seem to be bothered by gnasts. When ttearl and l,ung Yin deficiency happens,patients would suffer from pathological inner Fire,which leads to an unease of mind,eating and behavior disorder and atmormal feelings of coldness or hohless. When Heart Qi and Blood defieieney happens,palients' Blood in vessels would not be nourished adequately, When patients are frightene, d suddenly+the movement and circtdation of their Blood and Qi would be disturbed all in a sudden,which leads to an sick Shen condition and feelings of fear and anxiety+ When tteart Yang defieieney happens,patients' inner Water would not be transported and discharged normally, which cheeks the function of Ileart Yang and causes patients' fi'etful teetings, When l,iver Yin deficiency happens,patients' Hun would find no sheher rely hmger. With such a disIre'bed condition of mind,the) would feel depressed and lose their good sleep, ghen patients' Spleen YanK deficiency happens,hoth the inner Dampness and the inner Coldness wouhl hurl the digestion and absorption flmctions of patients,which would leads to Qi stagnation and bad rotund. When patient's Lung Qi is blocked by Excess Evil,the dispersing and descending function of Qi would he injured and disturhed Qi movement,asthma and anxiely wouhl be caused exentually. Dampness and Heat Evil is hold in the Middle Burner of patients would lead to the disordered fialCtion of Spleen and Stomach. When turhid Damlmess doesn't descend as usual it would charge up Io Heart. When this happens in addition to the pathological inner tteat in Heart,patients uouhl have helpless and restless anxiety and anger. When there is pathological Dampness and tleat in patients' laver meridian,the symptoms of heing upsel and angry wonht be more serious. Vdaen cold Phlegm is heht in Upper and Middle Burner of patients,the Yang Qi among them would be checked and arrested. In this ease,the Zheug Qi and Evil Qi wnuhl fight againsl each other fiercely and patients must suffer a lot mentally due to lhe heated inside fighting physically. Patients' Liver Qi slagnation wouhl cause the Blood stagnation since both Qi and Blood move along all the time. When Qi stagnation happens,patients wnnhl feel uneasy and angry as well as abdominal distenlion. Therefore,in clinical practices,the treatment of illness with emotional disorders should take easing patienls' mind into aeenunt, which ineludes tuniying the flmetions of Five Zang,snnlhing the nelwes,shehering the Hun and Po and slopping the fright of patients,in order to achieve satisfied clinical effieaey.
出处 《河南中医》 2016年第10期1678-1679,共2页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 情志 脏腑 气血 《金匮要略》 张仲景 emotions viscera qi and blood Essentials ,from the Golden Cahinet Zhang Zhong-jing
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