
甘肃省东乡县东乡族人群高血压流行病学调查 被引量:10

Epidemiological study of hypertension in Dongxiang population of Dongxiang county in Gansu province
摘要 目的 调查甘肃省东乡县东乡族人群高血压患病率、知晓率、治疗率和控制率,并分析高血压的危险因素.方法 2014年4至6月,采用随机整群抽样方法,在甘肃省东乡县抽取1个城区和8个农村地区18岁及以上东乡族人群1 879名.对受调查者进行问卷调查及血压测量,采用多因素logistic回归分析高血压的危险因素.结果 甘肃省东乡县东乡族人群高血压患病率为21.4%(402/1 879).18~39、40 ~ 59和≥60岁人群的高血压患病率分别为7.9%(35/441)、20.2%(151/749)和31.3% (216/689),差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).18 ~ 39岁[8.0% (20/249)比7.8%(15/192),P>0.05]和40 ~ 59岁[19.8% (78/393)比20.5% (73/356),P>0.05]人群男女性之间的高血压患病率差异无统计学意义,≥60岁人群男性高血压患病率高于女性[34.2%(123/360)比28.3% (93/329),P<0.01].农村人群高血压患病率高于城区人群[23.4%(255/1 090)比18.6%(147/789),P<0.01].高血压知晓率、治疗率和控制率分别为24.4%(98/402)、14.7% (59/402)和5.0% (20/402).农村人群高血压知晓率[22.7%(58/255)比27.2% (40/147),P<0.01]、治疗率[13.3%(34/255)比17.0%(25/147),P<0.05]和控制率[3.9%(10/255)比6.8% (10/147),P<0.05]均低于城区人群.多因素logistic回归分析显示,年龄、高血压家族史、高体重指数、轻度活动和静态是高血压的危险因素(P<0.05或0.01).结论 甘肃省东乡县东乡族18岁及以上人群高血压患病率较高,知晓率、治疗率和控制率偏低,针对其危险因素在人群中开展高血压一级预防具有重要的意义. Objective To investigate the prevalence,awareness,treatment and control rate of hypertension among Dongxiang population of Dongxiang county in Gansu province,and analyze risk factors of hypertension in this population.Methods A total of 1 879 Dongxiang residents of Dongxiang county in Gansu province aged 18 years and over were selected in one town and eight villages by random cluster method from April to June in 2014.All subjects were interviewed and physical examination including blood pressure measurement was performed.Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the risk factors of hypertension.Results Prevalence of hypertension in this population was 21.4% (402/1 879).Prevalence of hypertension increased with aging and was 7.9% (35/441) in 18-39 years old people,and 20.2% (151/749) in 40-59 years old people,and 31.3 % (216/689) in ≥ 60 years old people (P < 0.01).There were no gender (male vs.female) difference in prevalence of hypertension in 18-39 years old group (8.0% (20/249) vs.7.8% (15/192),P > 0.05) and 40-59 years old group (19.8% (78/393) vs.20.5% (73/356),P > 0.05),while the prevalence of hypertension was significantly higher in male than in female(34.2% (123/360) vs.28.3% (93/329),P < 0.01) in ≥ 60 years old group.Prevalence of hypertension was also significantly higher in rural area residents than in county town residents (23.4% (255/1 090) vs.18.6% (147/789),P < 0.01).The rates of awareness,treatment and control of hypertension in this population were 24.4% (98/402),14.7% (59/402) and 5.0% (20/402),respectively.Rates of awareness (22.7% (58/255) vs.27.2% (40/147),P < 0.01),treatment (13.3% (34/255) vs.17.0% (25/147),P < 0.05) and control (3.9% (10/255) vs.6.8% (10/147),P < 0.05)were significantly lower in rural area residents than in county residents.Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that age,family history of hypertension,high body mass index,less physical activity and more static state were risk factors of hypertension in this population (P < 0.05 or 0.01).Conclusions Prevalence of hypertension is high and awareness,treatment and control rates of hypertension are low in adult residents of Dongxiang county in Gansu province.Hypertension prevention focusing on risk factors control and treatment strategies should be enhanced in this population.
出处 《中华心血管病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期754-758,共5页 Chinese Journal of Cardiology
关键词 高血压 流行病学 少数民族 Hypertension Epidemiology Minority groups
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