
高危型HPV阴性子宫颈癌患者的临床病理特点 被引量:29

Analysis of clinical and pathological characteristics of high-risk HPV-negative carcinoma of the uterine cervix
摘要 目的:探讨高危型HPV阴性的子宫颈癌患者的临床病理特点。方法收集2005年1月至2015年10月在广东省妇幼保健院妇科诊治,有HPV检测结果的子宫颈癌患者共785例。(1)使用专用的HPV子宫颈刷采集患者的子宫颈脱落细胞,采用导流杂交基因芯片技术对其进行高危型HPV分型(共13种HPV型别,包括HPV16、18、31、33、35、39、45、51、52、56、58、59和68)检测,检测出其中任何一型HPV者即为高危型HPV阳性,未检测到任何一型HPV者即为高危型HPV阴性;对检测出的高危型HPV阴性标本进一步采用第2代杂交捕获技术(HC-Ⅱ)检测其高危型HPV感染状态,两种方法检测的HPV型别相同,当HC-Ⅱ检测的荧光读数与阴性测定值(RLU/CO)比值≥1.0时为高危型HPV感染阳性,〈1时为高危型HPV感染阴性。(2)回顾性分析高危型HPV阴性的子宫颈癌患者的临床病理特点,包括年龄构成、液基薄层细胞学检查(TCT)结果、临床分期、病理类型等。结果(1)导流杂交基因芯片技术检测显示,785例子宫颈癌患者中,高危型HPV阳性714例(91.0%,714/785),高危型HPV阴性71例(9.0%,71/785);HC-Ⅱ方法检测显示,71例高危型HPV阴性的子宫颈癌患者的RLU/CO比值均〈1,即其高危型HPV感染均为阴性。两种检测方法的符合率为100.0%(71/71)。(2)高危型HPV阴性的子宫颈癌患者的临床病理特点,年龄构成:71例高危型HPV阴性患者中,高发年龄段为41~55岁,共43例(60.6%);714例高危型HPV阳性患者中,41~55岁者392例(54.9%)。高危型HPV阴性与阳性患者间高发年龄段构成比比较,差异无统计学意义(χ2=15.63,P=0.571)。TCT检测结果:71例高危型HPV阴性患者中,行TCT检测者32例,其中炎症或无异常6例(18.8%),未明确诊断意义的不典型鳞状上皮细胞(ASCUS)10例(31.2%),不除外高度病变的不典型鳞状上皮细胞(ASC-H)3例(9.4%),低级别鳞状上皮内病变(LSIL)3例(9.4%),高级别鳞状上皮内病变(HSIL)8例(25.0%),鳞状细胞癌(SCC)2例(6.2%);714例高危型HPV阳性患者中,行TCT检测者391例,其中炎症或无异常60例(15.3%),ASCUS 61例(15.6%),ASC-H 28例(7.2%),LSIL 29例(7.4%),HSIL 164例(41.9%),SCC 49例(12.5%)。高危型HPV阴性与阳性患者间不同程度病变的构成比分别比较,差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。临床分期:71例高危型HPV阴性患者中,有明确临床分期者70例,其中Ⅰa期8例(11.4%),Ⅰb1期26例(37.1%),Ⅰb2期12例(17.1%),Ⅱa期11例(15.7%),Ⅱb期10例(14.3%),Ⅲ~Ⅳ期3例(4.3%);714例高危型HPV阳性患者中,有明确临床分期者710例,其中Ⅰa期118例(16.6%),Ⅰb1期261例(36.8%),Ⅰb2期72例(10.1%),Ⅱa期152例(21.4%),Ⅱb期87例(12.3%),Ⅲ~Ⅳ期20例(2.8%)。高危型HPV阴性与阳性患者间不同临床分期的构成比分别比较,差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。病理类型:71例高危型HPV阴性患者中,有明确病理类型者69例,其中鳞癌51例(73.9%),腺癌13例(18.8%),腺鳞癌5例(7.2%);714例高危型HPV阳性的子宫颈癌患者中,有明确病理类型者680例,其中鳞癌593例(87.2%),腺癌38例(5.6%),腺鳞癌39例(5.7%),其他10例(1.5%)。高危型HPV阴性患者中病理类型为腺癌的比例明显高于高危型HPV阳性患者(χ2=11.96,P=0.001)。结论导流杂交基因芯片技术是1种高敏感度的检测高危型HPV的方法,与HC-Ⅱ的效果相仿。高危型HPV阴性的子宫颈癌患者的高发年龄段为41~55岁,其腺癌的比例明显高于高危型HPV阳性患者。 Objective To study the clinical and pathological characteristics of HPV-negative cervical cancer patients. Methods Retrospective analysis of 785 cervical cancer patients in Guangdong Women and Children Hospital from Jan. 2005 to Oct. 2015. By detecting high-risk HPV infection by flow-through hybridization genechip technique. Results (1) Among 785 cases of cervical cancer, 71 cases were negative for HPV infection tested by genechip technique, accounting for 9.0%(71/785), and the relative light units/cut off (RLU/CO) ratios of these 71 cases were less than 1 by hybird captureⅡ(HC-Ⅱ) methods. The results showed that the positive coincident rate of genechip technique detecting result with HC-Ⅱmethod was 100.0%(71/71). (2) There was no difference between 43 (60.6%) cases from 41-55 years old of 71 cases of HPV-negative patients and 392 (54.9%) cases from 41-55 years old of 714 cases of HPV infection patients (χ2=15.63, P=0.571). Among 71 cases of HPV-negative patients, 32 cases of patients with doing TCT, 6 (18.8%) cases for normal, 10 (31.2%) cases for atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS), 3 (9.4%) cases for atypical squamous cells cannot exclude high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (ASC-H), 3(9.4%) cases for low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL), 8 (25.0%) cases for hight-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL), 2 (6.2%) cases for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). And there were 391 cases of patients with doing thin-prep cytologic test (TCT) of 714 HPV infection patients, 60 (15.3%) cases for normal, 61 (15.6%) cases for ASCUS, 28 (7.2%) cases for ASC-H, 29 (7.4%) cases for LSIL, 164 (41.9%) cases for HSIL, 49 (12.5%) cases for SCC. There was no difference of TCT between HPV infection and HPV-negative patients (P〉0.05). Among 70 cases from 71 patients with negative for HPV infection, there were 8(11.4%) cases in stage Ⅰa, 26 (37.1%) cases in stage Ⅰb1, 12 (17.1%) cases in stageⅠb2, 11 (15.7%) cases in stageⅡa, 10 (14.3%) cases in stageⅡb, 3 (4.3%) cases in stageⅢ-Ⅳ. There were 118(16.6%) cases in stageⅠa, 261 (36.8%) cases in stageⅠb1, 72 (10.1%) cases in stageⅠb2, 152 (21.4%) cases in stageⅡa, 87 (12.3%) cases in stageⅡb, 20(2.8%) cases in stageⅢ-Ⅳin 710 cases of HPV infection patients, in which there were no difference of clinical stage between HPV infection and HPV-negative patients (P〉0.05). Among 69 cases from 71 patients HPV-negative infection, there were 51 (73.9%) cases for squamous carcinoma, 13 (18.8%) cases for adenocarcinoma, 5(7.2%) cases for adenosquamous carcinoma;and 593 (87.2%) cases for squamous carcinoma, 38 (5.6%) cases for adenocarcinoma, 39 (5.7%) cases for adenosquamous carcinoma, 10 (1.5%) case for others were in 680 patients of HPV infection, in which there was significant difference of adenocarcinoma between HPV infection and HPV-negative patients (χ2=11.96, P=0.001). Conclusions Flow-through hybridization genechip technique is the method of high sensitivity to detect high-risk type HPV, as like HC-Ⅱ method. HPV-negative of cervical cancer occurs mainly in 41-55 years old. Adenocarcinoma incidence is significantly higher in HPV-negative cases than those patients with infection of HPV positive.
出处 《中华妇产科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期683-687,共5页 Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
关键词 宫颈肿瘤 乳头状瘤病毒感染 Uterine cervical neoplasms Papillomavirus infections
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