
“新唯物主义”营造 从图解思维到数字建造 被引量:11

The "New Materialism" YingZao From Diagrammatic Thinking to Digital Fabrication
摘要 文章通过梳理新唯物主义哲学、图解思维方法和数字化建造实践之间的关系,详细阐述了在性能化目标的引导下,如何通过数字媒介整合建筑设计与建造流程,来实现建筑中新的物质性。在此基础上,文章提出基于"新唯物主义"营造的全新社会生产系统,并通过该系统构建当代中国建筑营造文化。最后,文章通过"内在逻辑的可视化"、"以流定形的迭代生成"以及"数字工厂协作生产"这三个"新唯物主义"营造的基本观点,力图体现数字建造中的新物质性哲学观念。 Through a historical survey on the relationship between New Materialism philosophy,diagrammatic thinking and digital fabrication,this paper elaborates on how the digital technology,in the aim of high material performance,has the capability to integrate design and construction and to achieve a new materiality in architecture.Further,the paper establishes an integrated designconstruction process in architectural production—New Materialism YingZao,based on which it pursues a new Chinese YingZao culture in a contemporary sense.Through the articulation of the three key aspects of New Materialism YingZao— "visualization of internal mechanism", "recursive morphogenesis" and "collaborative construction in digital factory",the paper eventually reveals a new material thinking in the practice of contemporary digital fabrication.
作者 袁烽 闫超
出处 《时代建筑》 2016年第5期6-13,共8页 Time + Architecture
基金 "绿色施工与智慧建造关键技术"(2016YFC0702100)国家重点研发计划资助项目 "国家自然科学基金"(51578378)资助项目 "中德科学基金(国家自然科学基金委NSFC和德国科学基金会DFG)"(GZ1162)合作资助项目 "上海市数字建造工程研究中心"重点研发基金资助项目
关键词 新唯物主义 营造 图解思维 数字建造 New Materialism YingZao Diagrammatic Thinking Digital Fabrication
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