通过回顾现代建筑原型,文章不仅将创盟国际的建筑作品"Fab-Union space"视为当代数字化建筑的一个实践案例,而且将它与现代建筑学的历史语境联系起来进行理解。文章指出,数字化建筑应该并且也能够与传统建筑学相融合,而不是彼此分离。
As a review of Fab-Union Space by Archi-Union International,this article not only considers it as a case of contemporary Chinese digital architectural practice,but also puts it in the context of the archetypical discourse of modern architecture to outline its full significance.Doing so the article is to argue for an integration between digital and nondigital or traditional architecture.
Time + Architecture