
世界高水平涉农大学科研现状的信息计量分析 被引量:1

Informatics analysis on current situation of scientific research in world high level universities related to agriculture
摘要 为探讨世界高水平涉农大学的科研现状,以农业科学为例,利用文献计量学方法深入剖析了U.S.News世界大学排名中农业科学领域前4位高校即瓦赫宁根大学、加州大学戴维斯分校、康奈尔大学、中国农业大学的科研优势。研究发现:从高被引论文的作者角度来看,4所学校均形成了一定规模的高水平科研创新团队,汇集了一定数量的学科领军人物;从论文署名人数维度来分析,4所学校总体上的科研合作团队规模在逐年扩大,单独发表论文的学者比例逐年下降;从国际合作的机构分布情况来观察,4所学校都将国际合作作为促进本校科研发展的重要举措;4所学校都获得了不同渠道的基金项目资助,其中政府资助成为主体,同时科研项目资助也呈现出社会化和多元化的趋势。本研究旨在为我国高校科研管理部门的重点学科发展决策提供情报线索,对其创建世界一流大学和一流学科的路径规划提供参考。 Taking agriculture science as an example,the advantages of scientific research in high level universities of the world related to agriculture was thoroughly analyzed by using bibliometrics.The results show that:Four universities(Wageningen University,U.C Davis,Cornell University,China Agricultural University which were the top 4universities in the U.S.News world university rankings in the field of agriculture science)have formed a certain size of high level of scientific research and innovation team,and brought together a number of leading figures;in the term of co-authorship,the scale of scientific research teams expanded every year,and the proportion of solo authors decrease year by year;The four universities all have given great importance to international collaboration;In the term of foundation,the four universities have access to different channels of funding supports,including funding from government,which is the main body.Meanwhile,the funding also showed a trend of socialization and diversification.This research provides intelligence clues for development decisions of first-class disciplines in scientific research management department of universities in China,and to provide references for the department to build world-class universities and first-class disciplines.
作者 赵勇 李冬 高思嘉 韩明杰 李晨英 ZHAO Yong LI Dong GAO Si-jia HAN Ming-jie LI Chen-ying(China Agricultural University Librar)
出处 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第12期163-172,共10页 Journal of China Agricultural University
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项人文社科繁荣项目(2016RW022)
关键词 科研优势 农业科学 世界一流大学 一流学科 WEB of SCIENCE 文献计量 advantages of scientific research agriculture science world-class university first-class disciplines Web of Science bibliometrics
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