2016年10月11日,在 Galaxy Note 7连续发生爆炸事件的情况下,三星正式发布公告称,将暂时停止销售该款手机.与此同时,三星还向中国国家质检总局备案了召回计划,准备召回在中国大陆地区销售的全部Note 7手机,总数超过19万台.有分析人士预计, Note 7的停产、召回或将给三星造成高达170亿美元的损失.
'Could you say that Samsung hasn't done a good job in battery production field? But the explosions happened for real,'' said Zhang Shuquan, CEO of Shenzhen BAK Battery. 'It proves the fact that battery safety is a worldlevel problem.' A cellphone is loaded with only one battery,while a new energy car has a power battery system under complicated serial and parallel connection with integration which requires a higher level of safety; in fact, no errors are allowed. From this point of view, battery companies have been shouldering quite heavy burdens. So what has BAK done in improving the safety standard of batteries that has made a difference?
China Machinery & Electric Industry