通过实时在线监测针钩变形情况,可解决织针损坏变形造成的织疵问题。接触式针钩损坏监测装置的实用性较差,德国Protechna Herbst公司推出的4021织针探测器,采用非接触式测量,其实用性较好,但是在国内使用时受到织针质量相差较大的限制。杭州纬恩电子科技有限公司提出一个新的判据算法,开发一款非接触式针钩状态实时监测器,可在不同质量织针混用的情况下,可靠地对每枚织针的变形或损坏情况进行实时监控;同时该仪器还与手机APP结合,实现灵敏度设置,并可将数据通过无线网络上传到云端数据库,实现车间生产的"互联网+"功能。
Defects on fabrics caused by needle broken or deformation can be solved by real-time monitoring of the needle deformation. Contacted monitor system was not used widely due to its poor reliability. Protechna Herbst 4021 needle monitor is the only one with non-contact technology and was used widely; but on the other hand, the 4021 monitor always failed to find proper needle deformation in China due to the disunity of needle quality. A new algorithm different from the 4021 needle monitor to solve this problem proposed by Hangzhou Wing Technology company recently, and a new needle monitor which used this new algorithm was developed as well, and it was proved that this needle deformation monitor can detect needle deformation regardless of the disunity of all kinds of needles; meanwhile, APP was developed to adjust the sensitivity of the monitor by a smart phone, and all the data in the monitor can be upload to clouded server via Wifi.
Knitting Industries
Needle Deformation
Real-time Monitor
Needle Detector
Hook NeedleHook Detector
Internet of Things