结合智能电网配用电业务应用需求,采用国际领先的4G McLTE宽带无线多媒体通信技术作为配用电业务承载平台,利用4G McLTE无线通信技术更高的带宽、更低的时延、更高的安全性、可靠性等技术特点,在不影响现有基础设施的前提下,实现对配用电数据的高速传输。基于COST231-Hata模型,采用精准的链路预算,测算出1.8GHz McLTE系统的理论覆盖结果,并结合国网山西同煤电力公司搭建试验网的真实业务承载效果,验证1.8GHz McLTE系统真实的覆盖能力,为国家电网公司建设坚强配用电通信网络提供技术支撑。
Combining with the business application requirments of smart grid distribuiton and ultilization, the world leading 4G McLTE broadband wireless multimedia communications technology is adopted as the power distribution and utilization business platform. High speed transmission of power distribution and utilization data is ahieved by using 4G McLTE wireless communications technology with higher bandwidth, lower latency, better security, reliability and other technical characteristics, without affecting existing infrastructure.Based on COST231-Hata model and precise link budget, 1.8GHz McLTE systematic theoretical coverage results is calculated, combining with the real business supporting effect of the trial network in Shanxi coal power company, 1.8GHz McLTE system' s coverage is verified, providing technical support for grid companies with strong power distribution and utilization communication network construction.
Distribution & Utilization