
也门政治危机中的部落因素 被引量:1

Tribal Factors in Yemen's Political Crisis
摘要 在2014年底的也门政治危机中,胡塞武装与政府军发生激烈武装冲突,部落力量、"南方运动"分裂势力、"阿拉伯半岛基地组织"等多股力量先后参与其中。当前,学界大多从教派冲突的视角分析此次危机的原因。本文认为,此次危机凸显出也门长期不稳定的周期性现象,部落政治力量的不平衡才是动荡的根源所在。在这场政治乱局中,无论是胡塞武装对部落利益的侵袭,还是哈希德部落联盟内部争端的出现,抑或是恐怖组织对部落力量的利用,部落因素均在其中发挥着重要作用。因此,如何处理好部落与国家政权的关系,并在此基础上平衡和整合各种政治力量,对未来也门的政治稳定与社会发展具有重要意义。 In Yemen's political crisis at the end of 2014,fierce clashes broke out betw een Houthi rebels and governmental forces. Tribal forces,separatist forces in Southern M ovement and Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula are all involved. Currently,most scholars in academic circles analyze this crisis from the perspective of sectarian conflict. This paper holds that this crisis highlights the unstable cyclical phenomenon of Yemen,and the imbalance among tribal political forces is the deep-rooted cause of the turbulence. In this political turbulence,w ith the invasion of the Houthi rebels,the emergence of the internal conflicts in Hashid tribal confederation,and the terrorist organizations utilizing tribal forces,tribal factors have all played an important role.
作者 蒲瑶 唐彬君
出处 《阿拉伯世界研究》 北大核心 2016年第6期77-88,共12页 Arab World Studies
基金 2013年度国家社科基金项目“部落文化对中东国家社会稳定的影响研究”(13BGJ009)的阶段性成果
关键词 也门乱局 胡塞武装 部落 哈希德部落联盟 Yemen Crisis Houthi Forces Tribes Hashid Tribal Confederation
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  • 1Michael Knights, "Jihadist paradise : Yemen's terrorist threat re - emerges", Jane's Intelligence Review, June 2008.
  • 2"Timeline: Yemen- based A1 -Qaeda activities", December 30, 2009, http ://www. sbs. com. au/news/articles/1161082/headline.
  • 3Jeremy M. Sharp, " Yemen : Background and U. S. Relations", July 7, 2009, http://www, fas. org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL34170. pdf.
  • 4Jeremy M. Sharp, " Yemen : Background and U. S. Relations", July 7, 2009, http://www, fas. org/sgp/crs/mideast/RI.34170. pdf.
  • 5Gregory D. Johnsen, "Attacks on Oil Industry Are First Priority for al - Qaeda in Yemen", Terrorism Focus, Volume 5, Issue 5, February 5, 2008.
  • 6Gregory. D. Johnsen, "Al - Qaeda in Yemen Reorganizers under Nasir al - Wahayshi", Terrorism Focus, Volume 5, Issue 11, March 18, 2008.
  • 7Michael Knights, "Jihadist paradise: Yemen's terrorist threat re - emerges", Jane's Intelligence Review, June 2008.
  • 8Michael Scheuer, " Yemen's Role in al - Qaeda's Strategy", Terrorism Focus, Volume 5, Issue 5, February 5, 2008.
  • 9"Timeline: Yemen - based Al - Qaeda activities", December 30, 2009, http ://www. sbs. com. au/news/articles/1161082/headline.
  • 10Andrew England, "Al - Qaeda targets Yemen as haven", January 4, 2010, http ://www. ft. com/cms/s/0/9a753848 - f95e - 11 de - 80de - 00144feab49a. html.











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