
拍卖、讨价还价还是固定价格?——网络交易定价机制选择的实证研究 被引量:1

Auctions, Bargaining or Posted Prices? An Empirical Study on Online Pricing Mechanism Choice
摘要 随着互联网经济高速发展,网络交易定价机制不断完善。本文对影响卖家在拍卖、固定价格与讨价还价三种机制之间进行选择的主要因素及其作用机理进行了理论探讨和实证检验。基于eBay网站二手车交易的经验数据,通过构建结构方程并利用极大似然估计法进行实证分析,结果表明,卖家交易耐心程度和交易规模对于卖家定价机制选择行为具有显著影响;三种定价机制下商品成交价格并无明显差异,但拍卖和讨价还价机制相比固定价格机制显著提升了成交概率,从而能够为卖家带来更高的期望收益。在我国电子商务和在线交易迅速发展的背景下,有必要从改善网络交易效率的视角出发,进一步丰富并完善网络交易的定价机制。 With the rapid development of Internet economy, online pricing practices improve continuously. This paper theoretically investigates and empirically tests the main factors affecting sellers’ choice among auctions, posted prices and bargaining mechanisms and the effects. Based on second-hand cars’ transaction data on eBay, this paper builds structural equation and uses maximum likelihood estimation to make an empirical study, and finds that the sellers’ patience and transaction scales have significant effects on sellers’ pricing mechanism choice;there is no obvious difference in transaction prices among these three pricing mechanisms, but compared with posted prices, auctions and bargaining significantly increase successful transaction probability, thereby bringing higher expected revenues to sellers. Under the background of rapid development of electronic commerce and online transactions in China, it is necessary to further improve and perfect the online pricing mechanism from the perspective of improving the efficiency of online transactions.
作者 韩雍 陈恭平
出处 《外国经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第11期29-44,共16页 Foreign Economics & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71501155)
关键词 网络交易平台 拍卖 讨价还价 固定价格 卖方收益 online transaction platform auction bargaining posted price sellers’ revenue
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