Antioxidative effect of alcohol extracts from Illicium verum Hook. f was studied in the system of hydroxyl radical, nitrous acid radical and superoxide anion radical. The results showed that different polarity parts of the alcohol extracts from Illicium velum Hook. f had some antioxidative effect. The antioxidation of the extracts was positively related to their additive quantity. The percentage of 95% alcohol extracts of scavenging effect was better than VC in the hydroxyl radical system. The percentage of petroleum aether extracts of scavenging effect was equal to VC in the nitrous acid radical system. The scavenging percentage of superoxide anion radical was in the order of VC 〉 95% alcohol extracts 〉 chloroform extracts〉 petroleum aether extracts 〉 acetone extracts.
The Food Industry