
合同农业发展的美国经验 被引量:1

The development experiences and revelation of contract farming in the United States
摘要 合同农业作为农业价值链纵向协作的重要方式,已在世界范围内获得广泛发展。得益于生产组织优化、农业技术进步、质量诉求压力、风险管理的制度安排和政府农业政策不断完善等因素,美国合同农业发展迅速。对中国的启示可以规纳为,提高农民的组织化程度,推进农业的专业化和集约化生产,为农户生产提供社会化服务,提高农产品的质量安全,完善合同农业的制度环境。 As an important form of vertical coordination in agricultural value chain,contract farming has developed widely in the world.Benefiting from the optimization of production organization,the progress of agricultural technical,pressures of quality requirements,institutional arrangement of risk management,the improvement of the agricultural policy and so on,it develops rapidly in USA.This can bring the following revelation to China:increasing farmers' systematization degree,promoting the specialization and intensification of agricultural production,providing socialized services for farmers,enhancing the quality and safety of agricultural products and improving the institutional environment.
出处 《世界农业》 北大核心 2016年第11期25-30,251,共6页 World Agriculture
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"我国农业经营组织的结构变迁与创新路径研究"(14AJY020) 广东省高等学校高层次人才项目"广东新型农业经营主体的协同发展与农户利益保障研究"(粤财教[2013]246号) 广州市社会科学项目"广州农村专业经济协会协同治理与健康发展研究"(13Y28)的阶段性研究成果
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