Tamura Toshiko, the highly prestigious female writer of Japan's Taisho Period, was the symbol of modern Japanese actress. Based on her own experiences and things around, she created such a series of actresses' stories as Begonia, Mocking, Backstage and Tyranny of day. All of her works truly and vividly describe a group of independent actresses who held fast to their dreams and sweat for their trainings. The paper examines the difficulties before them in their acting careers through relishing the texts in detail and referring to the social background in which the contemporary actresses appeared. And the writer believes that on the patriarchal stage where the male has long been playing as female characters, the female exploration, with the performance as the mainstream, can show the formidable plights in this new occupation and simultaneously contribute to break through the patriarchal confinement and to carve out a social status for the new female. But all of this is necessary for them to perform the acting.
Journal of Ningbo University:Liberal Arts Edition