
乳腺癌内分泌治疗患者服药信念现状及影响因素分析 被引量:12

The status and influencing factors of beliefs about medicines in breast cancer patients on endocrine therapy
摘要 目的探讨乳腺癌内分泌治疗患者对服药信念现状及其影响因素,为提高患者服药依从性提供参考。方法采用一般资料调查表和服药信念量表(BMQ)对192例辅助内分泌治疗的乳腺癌患者进行现况调查。结果乳腺癌患者服药信念得分为(1.57±0.43)分,各维度中必要性得分13.78±2.46、服药顾虑得分12.21±2.31、药物有害得分11.69±1.54、药物过度使用得分9.07±1.33分。药物有害信念、对内分泌治疗的了解程度、药物种类、药物不良反应、服药时间、化疗是乳腺癌患者服药信念的影响因素(P<0.05,P<0.01),可解释24.4%的总变异。结论乳腺癌内分泌治疗患者服药信念处于低水平,医护人员应根据患者服药信念水平及影响因素采用针对性的干预措施,从而改善患者的服药信念,提高服药依从性。 Objective To explore the status and influencing factors of beliefs about medicines in breast cancer patients on endocrine therapy, and to provide references for improvement of medication adherence. Methods A total of 192 breast cancer patients who received endocrine therapy were recruited and investigated with a demographic questionnaire and Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire(BMQ). Results The score of beliefs about medicines of breast cancer patients was (1. 57±0. 43). The patients scored (13.78±2.46) points on the necessity belief dimension, (12.21±2.31) points on the concern belief dimension, (11.69± 1.54) points on the harm belief dimension and (9.07±1.33) on the overuse belief dimension. The harm belief, the knowledge of endocrine therapy, the kinds of drugs, adverse drug reaction, length of medication, and chemotherapy were the influencing factors of belief about medicine in breast cancer patients, which explained 24.4% of total variance. Conclusion The level of beliefs about medicines in breast cancer patients who received endocrine therapy was low. Health care professionals should provide targeted interventions Based on the level and influencing factors of beliefs about medicines, in order to further improve beliefs about medicines in breast cancer patients and medication compliance to endocrine therapy.
出处 《护理学杂志》 CSCD 2016年第20期18-21,共4页 Journal of Nursing Science
关键词 乳腺癌 内分泌治疗 服药信念 服药依从性 breast cancer endocrine therapy beliefs about medicines medication compliance
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