
妇女健康素养与生殖健康结局的关系研究 被引量:10

Study of the relationship between maternal health literacy and reproductive health outcome
摘要 目的回顾国内外妇女健康素养的研究数据,分析健康素养与妇女生殖健康结局的联系。方法检索相关的中英文数据库,收集发表截止至2016年5月的文献,按一定纳入标准筛选,对纳入研究进行分析。结果共纳入24篇文献,结果显示,健康素养与乳腺癌筛查、宫颈癌筛查、相关知识知晓、良好妊娠结局、母乳喂养、孩子疫苗接种、公共卫生服务利用等方面呈现正相关,与某些健康检查和健康行为等关系不显著,与心理调适、药物风险认知呈负相关。此外,有研究发现妇女健康素养与非健康促进行为存在正相关关系,如吸烟、危险性行为。结论提高妇女健康素养水平对改善生殖健康状况有重要作用。健康素养不仅会影响个体生殖健康,也会对子代产生影响。 Objective To review the domestic and international researches on maternal health literacy, and analyze the relationship be- tween health literacy and the outcome of maternal reproductive health. Methods Chinese and English databases related to the study were searched, the published literatures until May 2016 were collected. According to a certain inclusion criteria, the literatures were selected and analyzed. Results A total of 24 articles were included. The research results showed that health literacy was positively correlated with breast cancer screening, cervical cancer screening, knowledge awareness, good pregnancy outcome, breastfeeding, child vaccination, public health service utilization; health literacy was not correlated with some health examinations and behaviors; health literacy was negatively correlated with psychological adjustment and drug risk perception. In addition, health literacy was positively correlated with non-health-promoting behaviors, such as smoking, risk sexual behavior. Conclusion Improving the level of maternal health literacy plays an important role in im- proving reproductive health. Health literacy not only affects the individual reproductive health, but also affects the offsprings.
作者 朱芳 梁霁
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 2016年第22期4819-4822,共4页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
关键词 妇女 健康素养 生殖健康 健康结局 Woman Health literacy Reproductive health Health outcome
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