本篇适合:模仿、角色扮演电影《夺旗》(Capture the Flag)讲述的是:在一次误打误撞中,小男孩Mike与小伙伴登上火箭,跟随身为退休宇航员的爷爷(Frank)来到了月球。然而,登月任务并不是想象中那么简单。此时,亿万富翁理查德·卡尔森(Richard Carson)也登陆了月球,他的真实目的是占有月球并开采月球资源。
Dad: New mission delayed till 2022 ve been training and trying on space suits like a fashion model for nothing Morn: Well, it's your birthday. So at least et's enjoy the rest of the day Dad: So, how was the beach today buddy? You capture the flag? Mike: I wiped out. Again.