
当前我国劳资关系的四个重要问题探析——西尔弗《劳工的力量》的启示 被引量:1

An Analysis of Four Important Issues of the Current Labor-Capital Relations in China——Inspiration from Forces of Labor by Silver
摘要 私有经济比例畸高的经济结构是近年来我国劳资矛盾不断激化的根本原因,国企改制必须巩固加强国企对经济的控制力。工厂工人集中体现了工人阶级的先进性,依然是当今工人阶级的核心组成部分。劳资矛盾具有明显的行业特征,中国的汽车产业和电子信息产业可能成为今后劳资纠纷高发的行业。世界工厂的地位使中国拥有一支世界上规模最大、集中程度最高的工人阶级队伍,中国工人阶级的阶级意识发育具备最优越的现实条件,这决定了他们能够成为社会主义建设的领导阶级和主体力量。 The abnormally high proportion of private economy is the fundamental reason for the intensification of the labor-capital contradiction in China in recent years,so the reform of state-owned enterprises must consolidate and strengthen the control of state-owned enterprises towards economy.Workers in factories embody the advanced nature of the working class and are still the core of the working class today.The labor-capital contradiction has significant industrial characteristics and China's auto industry and electronic information industry may have frequent labor-capital disputes in future.The position of the factory of the world enables China to own the working class with the largest scale and highest degree of concentration in the world.There is the most superior realistic condition for the development of class consciousness of Chinese working class,which determines that they can become the leading class and main power for the socialist construction.
出处 《当代经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第11期45-53,97,共9页 Contemporary Economic Research
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