
甘肃省非医学专业大学生灾害现场救援医学培训现状及需求调查 被引量:4

Investigation on status quo and demand for on-site disaster relief medical training of non-medical college students in Gansu province
摘要 目的了解甘肃省高校非医学专业大学生对现场救援医学相关知识与技能的认知水平、培训现状及培训需求。方法以甘肃省某高校2013级非医学专业314名学生为研究对象,采用自行设计的非医学专业大学生现场救援培训现状及需求调查表,从医学基础常识、急症急病常识、创伤救护基本技能、初级生命支持技术、灾害现场救护常识共5个维度进行调查分析。结果 (1)314名非医学专业大学生现场救援相关知识总得分为(12.01±3.92)分,知识知晓率为26.2%。(2)曾参与培训的人数为117名(37.3%),有培训需求的人数为287名(91.4%),现场救援培训现状与需求之间差异有统计学意义(χ~2=200.55,P〈0.05);其中医学基础常识(χ~2=258.91,P〈0.05)、常见急症急病常识(χ~2=457.49,P〈0.05)、创伤救护基本技能(χ~2=308.40,P〈0.05)、初级生命支持技术(χ~2=146.95,P〈0.05)、灾害现场救护常识(χ~2=184.40,P〈0.05),5个维度知识需求比率均高于现状调查,差异均有统计学意义。(3)医学基础常识(χ~2=185.38,P〈0.05)、常见急症急病常识(χ~2=12.80,P〈0.05)、创伤救护基本技能(χ~2=93.55,P〈0.05)、初级生命支持技术(χ~2=78.33,P〈0.05)、灾害现场救护常识(χ~2=20.13,P〈0.05),5个维度知识培训方式现状与培训需求方式有区别,差异均有统计学意义。结论非医学专业学生对现场救援医学相关知识与技能的认知处于较低水平,对相关知识的培训意愿强烈、需求目标明确,对现场救援相关知识培训方式的需求更规范、系统化。 Objective To understand the recognition level, status quo and demand of medical training for non-medical college students in Gansu province. Methods Non-medical college students of grade 2013 from a university in Gansu province were chosen as the research object. Self-designed questionnaire was used for investigating status quo and demand for medical training of non-medical college students from the five dimensions including basic knowledge of medicine, common sense of acute symptoms and diseases, basic skills of trauma first aid, basic life support technology and on-site disaster relief knowledge. Results(1) Total score on on-site disaster relief knowledge of 314 non-medical college students was(12.01±3.92) points, and knowledge awareness rate was 26.2%.(2) 117 students(37.3%) had had training, and 287 students(91.4%) were in need of training, and there was significant difference between status quo and demand for on-site disaster relief training(χ~2=200.55,P〈0.05); Among the 314 non-medical college students, proportions of students in need of knowledge in the five dimensions including basic knowledge of medicine(χ~2=258.91,P〈0.05), common sense of acute symptoms and diseases(χ~2=457.49,P〈0.05), basic skills of trauma first aid(χ~2=308.40,P〈0.05), basic life support technology(χ~2=146.95,P〈0.05), and on-site disaster relief knowledge(χ~2=184.40,P〈0.05) were higher than those of status quo of training, and the differences were all statistically significant.(3) There were statistically significant differences between the current approaches to training and the demanded approaches to training in the five dimensions including basic knowledge of medicine(χ~2=185.38,P〈0.05), common sense of acute symptoms and diseases(χ~2=12.80,P〈0.05), basic skills of trauma first aid(χ~2=93.55,P〈0.05), basic life support technology(χ~2=78.33,P〈0.05), and on-site disaster relief knowledge(χ~2=20.13,P〈0.05). Conclusions Non-medical college students' awareness level of knowledge and skills on on-site disaster relief remains low, and they have strong demand and clear targets for relevant training, and their demand for on-site disaster relief knowledge needs to be more standardized and systematic.
作者 田莉梅 邓瑞
出处 《中华灾害救援医学》 2016年第11期614-617,共4页 Chinese Journal of Disaster Medicine
基金 甘肃省高等学校科研项目(2014A-135)
关键词 非医学专业大学生 灾害救援 医学培训 non-medical college students disaster relief medical training
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